
Elite ProAV’s New Saker Tab-Tension CineGrey 5D® Ceiling Light / Ambient Light Rejecting Screen for Standard Throw Projectors

See The Latest Video Demonstrating How ALR/CLR Ceiling Light Rejecting® Angular Reflective Material Has a Clear Advantage Over Matte White Materials

(Click image for Full Video)

For business environments a projector screen must give a clear, bright image under normal room lighting. This means that the material must prevent overhead light sources and other forms of off axis light from washing out the image. Elite ProAV’s Saker Tab-Tension CineGrey 5D® is a 1.5 gain ceiling and ambient light rejecting (CLR-ALR) projector screen with CLR or Ceiling Light Rejecting capabilities for use with standard long-throw projectors.

This video describes both the product and proper projector placement necessary to maximize performance.

Saker Tab-Tension CLR®-S Series

About the Saker Tab-Tension CineGrey 5D®:

Elite ProAV’s Saker Tab-Tension CineGrey 5D® is 1.5 gain ambient and ceiling light rejecting® (CLR®) projector screen that comes in Elite’s Saker electric “roll-up” configuration. ALR and CLR® projection screens enhance picture quality with brighter imagery and more defined contrast levels. However, its greatest value comes from its ability to counter the “wash out” effect of ambient light while working with standard “long throw” projectors. The material is also ISF certified for its ability to achieve D65 color neutrality, superb contrast and dynamic range bringing a world class performance to any installation.

A complete integration kit along with full IR/RF control package is included as well as a 5-12v trigger to coordinate the screen’s drop and rise with the projector’s power cycle. All this is included in a stylish arcuate-profiled aluminum casing with white enamel coating and flush-wall floating brackets.

See Full Video Here

The Cinegrey 5D® material is also ISF certified for its ability to achieve D65 color neutrality, superb contrast and dynamic range bringing world class performance levels to any installation.


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