Elite ProAV Post InfoComm 2019 Report
Elite ProAV Showcased its Latest in Ceiling Light Rejecting (ALR/CLR®) Technology for commercial facilities with high levels of ambient light.
Special thanks to those who visited us at INFOCOMM 2019 in Orlando at the OCCC (Booth 4588). If you weren’t able to attend, it was a great show and we revealed the potential of what specialty projection screen materials can do in the brightest of environments.
The show served as a great opportunity to show a lineup of ambient light rejecting prototypes that qualify for the designation of “CLR®”. When an ALR screen is designated “ceiling light rejecting” or CLR®, it means that the material is capable of rejecting up to 95% of overhead lighting in addition to other forms of off-axis light. This included 4models that use our Starbright CLR® that is made for UST projectors. We also showed our ISF-certified DarkStar® 9 product in an electric “roll-up” configuration.
Elite ProAV Showcased its Latest in Ceiling Light Rejecting (ALR/CLR®) Technology for commercial facilities with high levels of ambient light.
Presenter Pro CLR®2 Series – Portable free-standing screen with CLR® material for bright room presentations with UST projectors
Saker Tab-Tension CLR® Series – Tab-tensioned electric wall/ceiling CLR® screen for UST projectors
Aeon CLR® Series – Fixed frame “EdgeFree®” CLR® screen for UST projectors
Kestrel Free-Standing Electric CLR® Series – Electric Floor “roll-up” CLR® screen made for use with UST projectors
Saker DarkStar® 9 Series – ISF certified CLR® material made for standard long-throw projection
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